Saturday, May 10, 2008

System of Symbols

I felt like this picture,  which was publishes on, is a good representation of the system of symbols we have been discussing lately.  In this picture, a muslim man is praying in a mosque.  There are a few religious symbols in this photograph.

The most obvious religious aspect in this photograph is the act of prayer.  I cannot think of a religion which does not has some sort of prayer involved.  Prayer is usually made to some higher being or divine power which the religion believes to be real.  This God may symbolize power, forgiveness, grace, knowledge, or many other abilities.  Just as Augustine mentioned, we must examine the meaning behind our prayers and not be content with the fact that we do pray.  Our prayers are symbols for other things, which in turn makes them symbols for important parts of the religion. 

The other symbol in this photograph is the way this man is dressed.  The headwear has some sentimental value to this religion and usually represents devotion and commitment to his beliefs.  The dress of each religion has a common purpose, which the followers believe so it must be a symbol or that specific religion. 

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