Tuesday, May 13, 2008


In this text, I feel like Ethiopia is given status and value through its seeking of wisdom.  In the beginning of the text, I feel like Sheba represents Ethiopia and Solomon represents Jerusalem.  Ethiopia is always seeking wisdom from Jerusalem, coincidently the place where Jesus was born.  Because of the wisdom and virtue given by Solomon, Ethiopia becomes abundant with riches.  Sheba decided that she must visit this place and hear the famed Solomon speak for she must become wise just like him.  The pilgrimages which take place between Ethiopia and Jerusalem represent the long journey to become wise and powerful.
The most important connection is the marriage between Sheba and Solomon because it shows the everlasting partnership with Ethiopia and Jerusalem.  This reapplies what we talked about in class, about how Ethiopia is thought of as the Protector of Christianity.  This marriage signifies this bounding between the two sacred places.
The Birth of the child is also significant because it signifies future for the two nations.  The child and future king of Ethiopia sets out to find his father and further the relationship between Jerusalem and Ethiopia.  Without this child, the connection might have been lost and the Ethiopia might not be as important to the Christian religion as is today.

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